Sky Swanson
Sky is a Maryland boy through and through. Raised in a marsh flat and on a constant diet of Blue Crab and Old Bay, Sky was raised as a nature loving environmentalist who spent most of his time hiking and backpacking the great outdoors.
He met Seth and Jonas through their high school theater program, and went on to study film production alongside Rachel and become best friends with Casey at Hofstra University. There he played in his first long form D&D 3.5 edition campaign, and made a really cool handshake with Rachel.
Since then Sky has played and led dozens of campaigns across many TTRPG systems for over a decade. Priding himself on his roleplay and ability to immediately forget every detail provided by his patient Dungeon Masters. In the RPJesters podcast he has played characters such as Bratha Hesk, Jane Dexheart, Reggie Hale, and more!