RP Jesters
We are an actual play TTRPG podcast delving into a variety of games, ranging from Dungeons & Dragons and Vampire: The Masquerade to Scum and Villainy, Delta Green, and many more. Tune in every Monday for hour-long episodes, and join us in the Jesters' Court on our never ending quest for new games to try and new stories to tell! Check out rpjesters.com for more.
RP Jesters
The Jesters' ReCapped Episode 1
Take a look behind the screen. Some of the Jesters' Court is here to talk about Episodes 1 and 2 of Midnight Gravity Season 2. Delve into the minds of our players as we discuss what just happened and what is yet to come!
Featuring Casey Reardon, Rachel Kordell, & Jonas Tintenseher.
Theme song written by Seth Coveyou.